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Thank you for considering Dotbooker as a platform to share your expertise and insights. We're always looking for fresh perspectives on topics related to business management in the fitness, salon, spa, and wellness industries. Before you start drafting your pitch, please read the following guidelines carefully.
Original content that has not been published elsewhere
Topics directly related to cloud-based business solutions, appointment scheduling, client management, or industry trends
Posts should be at least 1000 words long
Proper citations, including statistics, quotes, and relevant research
Generic or repetitive articles that don't offer new insights
Articles that are overly promotional for a product, service, or brand
Any form of plagiarized content
Provide a clear topic and a brief summary of what your post will cover
Include an outline comprising about 30% of the final article, complete with key arguments, supportive links, and proposed subheadings (H2s & H3s)
Email your pitch to [email protected] with the subject line "Guest Blogging Pitch"
Our editorial team will review your pitch and respond within 7 business days
If your pitch is accepted, you'll be invited to write a draft based on your outline
Submit your final draft as an editable Google Doc
Include a concise bio (up to 200 characters) and a professional headshot
Optionally, provide 2-3 potential titles for the article
The Dotbooker content team will make minor edits, mainly for grammar and style. Any significant edits will be communicated to you
Once finalized, we will inform you of the expected publication date
We look forward to receiving your pitch and thank you for considering Dotbooker as a platform for your insights in fitness, salon, spa, and wellness business management.